What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be incredibly annoying to deal with, especially if the cause of the bad breath is unclear. Many who encounter others with bad breath assume it is due to the individual not taking good care of their mouth. However, there are various causes of bad breath, and it is not always the result of poor oral hygiene.

Bad breath causes

By understanding the various causes of bad breath, you can ensure you are able to pinpoint the exact cause and treat the bad breath quickly. The following are the four most common reasons people suffer from bad breath.

Poor oral hygiene

While bad breath does not necessarily suggest poor oral hygiene, it is indeed the leading cause of bad breath, and in many cases, there is no need to look further than one’s daily oral care routine when searching for the cause of their bad breath. When good oral hygiene is not practiced, a buildup of bacteria can develop inside the mouth, which can put off a bad odor if it lingers for an extended amount of time. It is important to brush several times each day, floss and use mouthwash daily to prevent bad breath from developing.

Dry mouth

Dry mouth is another very common cause of bad breath, and it can cause those who do practice good daily oral care to put off a bad odor with their breath. Saliva plays an intricate role in keeping breath smelling fresh, as it washes away bacteria inside the mouth, which would otherwise produce a bad odor. When the mouth is dry, meaning there is a lack of saliva in the mouth, bacteria can form on the teeth, gums and cheeks, resulting in bad breath. To avoid dry mouth, consider limiting the intake of coffee and other warm beverages and sipping on a bottle of water throughout the day.

Oral disease

Oral diseases such as periodontal disease can also lead to bad breath. Periodontal disease can occur for a wide variety of reasons. Most commonly, however, oral disease is the result of the accumulation of bacteria on the surface of the gums. When plaque and tartar form on the gums and gum line, it tends to cause a bad odor.

When this occurs, it is essential to treat the oral disease rather than simply brushing and using mouthwash more often, although practicing good oral hygiene is important for treating oral disease and bad breath as well.

Food and drinks

In some cases, the main culprit of bad breath can be found in what we consume on a daily basis. Certain food types, spices and drinks such as onions, garlic and coffee can produce bad breath. In order to avoid bad breath after consuming foods and drinks that have a strong odor, brush your teeth, floss and use mouthwash after consumption. By being able to identify and quickly treat bad breath, you can keep bad breath from becoming a constant, ongoing problem.

Are you considering treatment for bad breath in the Port Charlotte area? Get more bad breath information at https://dragonflydentalportcharlotte.com.

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