Why Is It Important to Replace Missing Teeth?

When people have missing teeth, they are more likely going to have trouble eating and speaking. Smiling may also become a challenge because nobody wants to show off a grin when they have missing teeth. However, there is hope! Replacing missing teeth is relatively simple these days. As dentistry has progressed and evolved over the years, the options for replacement have expanded quite a bit. 

If you have missing teeth but are contemplating replacement, then this article may be for you. Understanding the importance of replacing missing teeth is necessary for both oral and dental health. Keep reading to find out why replacing missing teeth is so important.

The importance of replacing missing teeth

There are a few reasons it is important to replace your missing teeth. We outline them below so you better understand the health risks associated with missing teeth.

Prevention of bacteria buildup

When someone has missing teeth, they are more prone to bacteria buildup. A missing tooth here and there within the mouth means that there are empty spaces. Empty spaces are more likely going to get food stuck in them. Leftover food will promote bacterial growth, which can do long-term damage to the gums and the entire mouth.

Replacing the missing teeth will ensure that the spaces are no longer empty. In turn, bacteria are not likely to grow as much because the empty spaces where food may get stuck will be filled with replacement teeth.

An even bite

Missing teeth can cause an uneven bite, which can be problematic when trying to eat each day. There may be discomfort when trying to chew. But having those missing teeth replaced can make eating much easier. Empty spaces can cause an uneven bite, but filling those spaces with replacement teeth will help ensure an even and more natural bite when eating and smiling.

An uneven bite can also go hand in hand with bacteria buildup. When chewing is not natural, food is likely to get stuck in random places within the teeth. Over time, if this continues, bacteria is likely to grow and manifest.


One of the most important reasons to have your missing teeth replaced is so your overall look remains aesthetically pleasing. Society says that people with missing teeth do not leave a good first impression, which can be problematic for job interviews or social interactions. Replacing missing teeth can easily be done, so why not ensure that your confidence is maintained?

Contact our office today!

Want to replace your missing teeth? With all the different tooth replacement options that exist today, it can be quite easy. Being able to chew naturally and smile confidently is important for almost everyone, and having missing teeth can get in the way of that. Explore your tooth replacement options! We are here to help you. Prepare a list of questions about missing teeth or any other dental condition, and then give us a call or stop by our office today.

Request an appointment here: https://dragonflydentalportcharlotte.com or call Dragonfly Dental of Port Charlotte at (941) 676-9225 for an appointment in our Port Charlotte office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Google: Read our Google reviews.

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