Dental Pain and Finding an Emergency Dentist

Finding an emergency dentist for those intense periods of dental pain can feel like a difficult task to many. Almost every adult has experienced dental pain in their lifetime. This ambiguous condition can be caused by various factors, and the origin can often be difficult to pin down. Intense dental pain can be distracting and may interfere with daily life. As soon as you notice a toothache, find a trusted emergency dentist right away.

What causes dental pain?

Severe, sudden dental pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, including tooth decay, dental damage, periodontal disease, worn enamel and more. Recognizing the difference between emergency dental pain and a toothache that can wait can help you to save money in the long run. If left untreated, however, a small toothache can turn into a bigger, more expensive problem.

Reasons to visit the emergency dentist

Dental pain is often accompanied by other symptoms. If the pain is sudden and intense, it is always safe to visit an emergency dentist right away. If left unchecked, the pain could worsen. Dental pain often comes from a source deep within the tooth roots, where the nerves are. The following is a list of reasons to visit an emergency dentist.

Loose teeth

Adult patients should never experience loose teeth. If this occurs, get to an emergency dentist right away. A loose tooth can indicate a host of deeper issues. Often, loose teeth can occur due to underlying issues such as gum disease, pulpitis and jaw abscesses. Loose teeth can also mean injury to the tooth.

If a specific event causes the tooth to become loose, such as an auto accident, sports injury or other trauma, make an appointment with an emergency dentist right away. The tooth can often be saved if it is treated soon after the incident.

Loose teeth can also occur due to a localized infection, inside the tooth or in the gums surrounding a tooth. A root canal is used to clear any infection from the soft tissue within a tooth. When an infection is too far gone, an abscess might arise at the base of the tooth. If a loose tooth causes a toothache, it is almost always caused by an infection. Cavities can develop into tooth infections, as well. An x-ray will be able to determine the root cause of the infection. Early treatment of a loose tooth can often save the tooth, but if it is too far gone then extraction may be necessary.

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums (often accompanied by a toothache) are usually a sign of gum disease. Early gum disease is treated quickly, and can usually be cleared by a simple scaling and planing procedure (a treatment that involves clearing the gumline of plaque) during a dental cleaning. If bleeding gums are recurring or excessive, head to the dentist.

Swollen jaw

A swollen jaw is a serious sign of severe infection. Swollen jaw accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth could mean an advanced infection.

Find a trusted emergency dentist

Emergency dental situations can be scary. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, call our office right away. Our highly-skilled, friendly dentists, hygienists and oral surgeons are ready to help you.

Request an appointment here: or call Dragonfly Dental of Port Charlotte at (941) 676-9225 for an appointment in our Port Charlotte office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Google: Read our Google reviews.

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