5 Benefits of Dental Sealants

Dental SealantsDental sealants are special coatings that are applied to your teeth to prevent cavities from forming. The material used can be tooth-colored or clear, and it seeps into the grooves of your teeth, forming a barrier that protects them from corrosive acids in your mouth.

While an effective way to protect your teeth is by having good oral hygiene habits, even floss cannot reach every crevice in your mouth. You probably already realized that it is harder to clean the teeth at the back of your mouth, which makes them more susceptible to decay.

That is where dental sealants come in. The dental sealant can protect these hard to clean areas of your mouth from the increased exposure to bacteria. Having more food particles and bacteria stuck at the back of your mouth means more acids form. The fact you also do most of your chewing on your back teeth does not help.

What You Need to Know About Dental Sealants

Sealants can reduce the risk of cavities by up to 80 percent the first two years after applying the sealant. Your risk of developing cavities reduces to 50 percent for the first four years. Dental sealants can last up to 10 years if you take proper care of your teeth.

Dental sealants can also protect baby teeth and adult teeth.

The procedure for applying sealants to your teeth is straightforward and painless. During your appointment:

  • The teeth you want sealed are cleaned and dried

  • Your dentist will use an acidic solution to roughen up the surface of your teeth. This makes it easier for the sealant to stick to them.

  • The acid solution is washed off and the teeth are dried again.

  • Your dentist will then paint the sealant into the chewing surfaces and grooves of your teeth.

  • A special light is used to bond the sealant to your teeth.

  • Your dentist will look for cracks and chips in the sealant periodically and reapply as needed.

Why use Dental Sealants?

Using a dental sealant to protect your teeth can save you lots of money in the long run. The cost of getting sealants applied on a tooth is nothing compared to the cost of getting dental procedures like fillings, crowns, or root canals.

The money saved will quickly add up over time. However, remember that dental sealants are not designed to replace brushing and flossing. You still need to take proper care of your teeth to get the most out of the sealant.

Make sure you are also eating a diet that is rich in essential nutrients like calcium. Dairy products are great for your teeth and so are green leafy vegetables. Consume lots of these and drink fluoridated water.

To sum things up, the five main benefits you get from dental sealants are:

  1. Your teeth are less vulnerable to tooth decay

  2. Saves you money down the road

  3. Makes it easier to keep your natural teeth

  4. Fewer visits to the dentist's clinic

  5. Makes you healthier

Why does this all matter?

Request a dental appointment here: https://dragonflydentalportcharlotte.com or call Dragonfly Dental of Port Charlotte at (941) 676-9225 for an appointment in our Port Charlotte dental office.

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