Abscessed Tooth Treatment From an Emergency Dentist

emergency dentist Port Charlotte, FL

An abscessed tooth requires a visit to an emergency dentist. Without the right treatment, the infection might spread to your brain. In rare cases, it can be fatal. The good news is that an emergency dentist can take care of the issue for you. Read on to learn how your tooth will be treated and what your different options are.

Treating an abscessed tooth

The goal of the emergency dentist will be to remove the infection from the tooth. The tooth might be drained to remove the bacteria. To do this, the emergency dentist will make a small incision in the abscessed portion, which will allow the pus to drain. Then the dentist can wash out the area with salt water to kill the remaining bacteria. In some cases, the dentist may need to place a small drain on the area, which will remain in place while the swelling goes down.

A root canal may also be needed. This procedure can help to get rid of the infection portion and save the tooth. The emergency dentist will drill into the tooth. The infected pulp, or central tissue, will be removed. That way, the abscess can be drained easily.

Then the pulp chamber will be filled to help support the tooth. Next, the tooth will be sealed to prevent bacteria from entering again. In many cases, the tooth will have a crown placed on it. That will make it stronger. With the right care, it can last for the patient’s whole life.

However, in some cases, the tooth cannot be saved. When that happens, the dentist will need to remove the tooth. The abscess will then need to be drained. Many patients will receive antibiotics, whether or not the tooth stays in place.

Sometimes, antibiotics are used alone, and other times, combined with one of the above treatments. If the infection has spread, then antibiotics can prevent it from further spreading. Patients who have weaker immune systems may be more likely to get antibiotics. These can kill the harmful bacteria in the tooth.

During healing

Even after the tooth has been treated, the patient will likely still experience some pain. One way to alleviate this is to rinse the mouth with warm salt water. This can kill any remaining bacteria. It may also help the pain to be reduced. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also be used. It is important for the patient to follow the dentist’s instructions on the right type of home care.

Visit an emergency dentist today

If you think that you might have an abscessed tooth, it is important to get immediate care. That way, you can prevent the infection from spreading. The sooner that you act, the more likely it is that the dentist can save your tooth. Dentists recommend saving the tooth whenever possible. After treatment, your restored tooth can last for the rest of your life if you care for it.

Request an appointment here: https://dragonflydentalportcharlotte.com or call Dragonfly Dental of Port Charlotte at (941) 676-9225 for an appointment in our Port Charlotte office.

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