Implant Supported Dentures: Better Than You Imagine

Implant Supported DenturesOnce you have decided that dentures are right for you, it is time to discuss the benefits of implant supported dentures.  Dentures can be a convenient way to replace your missing teeth. However, they are not what many people view them to be. The reputation of them being ill-fitting and bad-looking teeth is far from the truth. Instead, dentures can be very attractive and more beautiful than your natural smile ever was. We have the ability to create a set of teeth that is the exact size and shape that fits perfectly for your face. Creating a set of dentures allows us to give you a set of teeth that are white and free from stains, while also being symmetrical. If you ever had gaps in between your teeth, crooked teeth, stained or damaged teeth, you will feel surprisingly attractive with this incredible looking smile.

However, we also understand the concerns that many people have regarding the notion of wearing dentures, primarily that they may become loose or feel uncomfortable when worn. It is understandable that people have this concern because, over time, it is fairly common for dentures to become loose and begin to irritate the gum tissue. This is actually due to something called resorption. After tooth loss, the jaw bone is missing the stimulation it used to receive every time that you bite down. The lack of stimulation indicates to the body that the bone is no longer performing the essential duty of supporting the teeth. As a result, the body is resourceful and will leach the calcium out of the bone for use in other areas of the body. Naturally, this causes the jaw bone to shrink and as it does, dentures no longer fit as securely as they once did. Ultimately, this is the primary reason that denture-wearers find dentures to be uncomfortable over time.

Fortunately, we have the solution with implant supported dentures.  Instead of giving you a removable set of dentures that must be taken out every night, we can provide you with dentures that are secured in place using dental implants. A dental implant is actually a small titanium post that is implanted under the gums and secured to the jawbone. The body reacts to titanium just like it would to naturally occurring matter and will begin to deposit bone all around the titanium post. The process essentially fuses the post and bone together, making it as secure and durable as your natural root system once was. We can then use the security of the dental implants as anchors for your new dentures. Instead of relying on your dentures to have a tight seal around your gums, they will actually be secured in place using the implants. As a result, your dentures will not become loose when eating or speaking. Additionally, dental implants work to fight the process of resorption by providing your jaw bone with necessary stimulation.

We are confident that if you receive implant supported dentures, you will be pleased with the appearance and functionality of them. You will be able to smile proudly and eat your favorite foods without concern both today and in the future. To find out more about this option, call and schedule a consultation.


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